The situation with Covid-19 in Kosovo

The situation with Covid-19 in Kosovo

In Kosovo, the number of active cases with Covid-19 is 2,996.

According to the National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo, the number of active cases in Prishtina is 609, in Gjilan 251, Ferizaj 217, Prizren 216, Peja 178, Klina 154, Fushe Kosovo 143, Lipjan 128, Kamenica 133, Mitrovica 103, Gjakova 94, Podujeva 90, Obiliq 70, Suhareka 67, Vushtrria 66, Malisheva 62, Skenderaj 61, Viti 58, Istog 50, Gllogovc 48, Rahovec 47, Deçan 43, Shtime 40, Kaçanik 31, Dragash 27, Graçanica 11, and other municipalities with zero active cases…

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