The number of people with Down syndrome employed remains very low. Currently, according to the data of the association “Down Syndrome Kosova” there are only 15 people with Down syndrome employed throughout the country, only one of them as employed in public institutions. This association counts has over 980 people with Down syndrome, for whom it demands more attention about their demands.
Despite the fact that the organization “Down Syndrome Kosova” represents this community at the national level, they are only in four regions: Prishtina, Mitrovica, Prizren and Ferizaj. This makes many other people outside these centers come to Prishtina for treatment.
The director of the organization “Down Syndrome Kosova”, Sebahate Hajdini-Beqiri, in an interview for KosovaPress, emphasized that they possess data for over 980 people, but the real number of people with this syndrome may be higher.
“Based on the statistics of the association ‘Down Syndrome Kosova’, we count over 980 people with Down syndrome, including all age groups, but we cannot say that these statistics are 100% accurate, based on the fact that continuously we have cases of adults who come in the association, but for this number that we have, of over 980 people, the association ‘Down Syndrome Kosova’ has all the information regarding the name, surname, date of birth, contact person, municipality where they live”, she said.
Due to the termination of contracts and the employment of others, the number of people with Down syndrome who are employed is constantly changing, while currently there are 15 people with Down syndrome employed.
“The number of people with Down syndrome who are employed is about 15, we have different cases because the contract is terminated, this is the reason why the numbers change. We have cases where a person with Down syndrome is employed, but in general the number of employees now that we have the information in the field… so far we have 15 employees”, she said.
The organization “Down Syndrome Kosova” continuously holds programs for autonomy for people with Down syndrome, which prepares them for an independent life and labor market.
Although she considers 2021 good in terms of employment, for Hajdini-Beqiri remains a concern that public institutions do not open their doors to these people.
“Within the program, information sessions are organized for parents and new stakeholders, while the program for autonomy and vocational training provides services that prepare people with Down syndrome for an independent life including preparation for the labor market, especially 2021 has been one of the most successful years for the employment of people with Down syndrome, but the number of employees with Down syndrome remains worrying, the largest number (of employees) is in private institutions “so far we have only one person with Down syndrome employed in public institutions”, said Hajdini-Beqiri.
Not only do public institutions not employ people with Down Syndrome, but they also have little support for them.
According to the director Hajdini-Beqiri, the association needs support for therapeutic services as they have an important role in the development of the person with Down syndrome.
“Support from institutions is within the project proposals and is not enough support, based on the needs of the organization and especially the need for support of therapeutic services, that therapeutic services provided by the association ‘Down Syndrome Kosovo’, are very important services which play a very important role in the development of the potential of an individual with Down syndrome, and as long as we do not have a stable and long-term support, from public institutions in this case, either public or local level, it can be said that the support from public institutions is not enough”, she added.
The period of the end and beginning of the year holidays in the centers of the association “Down Syndrome Kosova” is accompanied by numerous activities that involve children and young people with Down syndrome.