The leaflets threatening Kurti and the Police in the north; a case for inciting hatred and resistance is opened

The leaflets threatening Kurti and the Police in the north; a case for inciting hatred and resistance is opened

After the distribution of some threatening leaflets in the north of the country against the country’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the Kosova Police, a case has been opened for the criminal incident “Incitement of hatred, division or national, religious, racial, ethnic intolerance”, reports KosovaPress.

“North Mitrovica 12.02.2024 – 21:40. It is reported that unknown persons have distributed flyers related to the aforementioned crime at the entrances of buildings and various streets. The case is being investigated”, reads the 24-hour Police report.

The leaflets were distributed last night by a group called “People’s Defense”, the content of which is inciting, and encourages Serbian citizens to disobey the Kosova Police.

The leaflets contain a series of specific instructions for actions to be taken if you encounter Kosovo law enforcement, which the group refers to as the “Kurti Police”.

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