“The Land of Troubled Souls” begins its international journey

“The Land of Troubled Souls” begins its international journey

The theater show “Land of troubled souls”, authored by Shqipe Malushi and directed by Zana Hoxha, will begin its international journey on March 12 with a presentation at the “Balkan Breeze” International Theater Festival of the Balkan Countries, which will be held in Bursa of Turkey.

“The Land of Troubled Souls” will be presented on March 12 from 20:00h, at the “Ahmet Vefik Pasha” state theater.

This play is a performance based on the poems of Shqipe Malushi, which evoke our collective memories of the lack of peace and the confrontation with war and conflict as a constant state for Kosovar society over the centuries and in particular its impact on our traumas between generations.