The first baby born in 2023 is a girl

The first baby born in 2023 is a girl

The first baby born in 2023 is a girl.

The doctor at the Gynecology Clinic at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (UCCK) Naser Rafuna confirmed the news to KosovaPress.

Rafuna stated that both mother and child are in good health. The patient’s mother is Elona Rrustemi from Drenas.

“A few minutes ago, the first female baby was born in our clinic, the patient is Elona Rrustemi from Drenas, she is having her second birth, a healthy child was born through natural birth, the condition of mother and child is very good” , he said.

In 2022, over 8,800 births have taken place in this clinic.

“Until today, there have been 8808 births, this is 8809th birth”, added Rafuna.

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