The fate of the mayors in the north is decided today

The fate of the mayors in the north is decided today

Today in Leposaviq, Zubin Potok, Zveçan and North Mitrovica, there will be a vote for the dismissal or not of the Albanian mayors.

There are 46,556 citizens on the voting list or 1,461 more compared to the elections of April 23, 2023.

For the dismissal of the mayors, the “yes” option must be chosen by at least 50 percent plus one voter with the right to vote, in each of the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo.

Voting in North Mitrovica will be held at the “Aziz Sylejmani” primary school in Suhodoll, the Bosniak quarter municipality facility, “Aziz Sylejamni” Lower Secondary Primary School – Kodra e Minatorëve, International Business College Mitrovica -IBCM and the former municipal facility.

In Zubin Potok, the voting centers are located in the municipality facility, the public facility Mala Jabuka (Little Apple), at Buba bridge, Bërnjak and in the primary school “Osman Rama” in Çaber.

In Leposaviq, you can vote in the municipal facility, the municipal facility in Soqanica, the private facility in Rëvatska, the state facility in Dren, the Universal Social Enterprise facility in Leshak, Koshtova, the private facility near the bus station in Leposaviq and at the “Kadri Bistrica” elementary school in Bistrica.

While in Zveçan, voting will take place in the municipal facility, Lower Secondary Primary School “Isa Boletini” in Zhazha, Lower Secondary Primary School “Isa Boletini” in Lipa, Rasja Banja in Banjska and in the municipal facility in Zhitkovc.

Voting is organized on the basis of administrative instructions from the Government of Kosovo, after international pressure for the announcement of new elections in the municipalities in the north.

In the event of not being dismissed, the Albanian mayors of the four municipalities with a Serbian majority in the north will ensure themselves at least one year of safe governance, as the Serbian parties have called on the local Serbs to boycott the voting process.

The Albanian mayors took power after the Serbian List called on citizens to boycott the April 2023 elections, which were organized after the Serbs left Kosovo’s institutions in November 2022 at the initiative of the Serbian List.

Meanwhile, the Serbian List demanded new elections, supported the citizens’ petition for the dismissal of the mayors, but on April 7 announced that it will not participate in the vote, citing the outdated list of voters as the reason.

According to the published instructions, citizens can answer “yes” or “no” to the question of whether they agree that the mayor of one of the four municipalities in the north should be dismissed. Voting centers will be open from 07:00 to 19:00. The CEC has not yet published the time of publication of the preliminary results for the fate of the mayors in the north, while during the day it will hold four conferences for the media to inform about the progress of the voting process.

Lexo edhe

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