Committee for Environment, Food, Agriculture, Planning and Development meets for the confirmation of the second reading of the Draft Law on Environmental Impact Assessment. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, 09:00)
On the International Day of Universal Coverage with Health Services, the Association of Patients’ Rights in Kosovo holds a discussion with the topic “Why after 8 years from the adoption of the law, we do not have health insurance?!” (Hotel “Prishtina”, Pristina, 10:00)
The Council for the prevention of violence and other negative events in sports meets. (10:00)
The Office of the Commissioner for Languages (OCL), in cooperation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Mission in Kosovo (OSCE), hold the fourth edition of the annual awards ceremony for “Best Practices for the Implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages”. (Hotel “Swiss Diamond”, Pristina, 11:00)
The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between the mayors of the municipalities of the Prishtina region for the development of an Intermunicipal Plan for Integrated Waste Management and an Intermunicipal Cooperation Agreement for joint work in the waste management sector. (Garden Hotel, Pristina, 11:00)
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) presents the results of the national survey “Women in Kosovo – what they think, want and do”. (Kino Armata, Pristina, 12:00)
The exhibition “Returning artists to be seen in 2022” is held. (National Library of Kosovo, Pristina, so 18:00)
The International Poster Festival Prishtina 2022 opens. (Lapidarium of the Museum of Kosovo, 19:00)