The broadcast in the Serbian language of Russia Today, Fetoshi: Another attack on peace efforts in the Balkans

The broadcast in the Serbian language of Russia Today, Fetoshi: Another attack on peace efforts in the Balkans

University professor Arben Fetoshi has said that the Serbian-language broadcast of Russia Today, which began on Tuesday, is another attack on peace efforts in the Balkans and the European Union.

According to him, this proves the further strengthening of the “Slavic brotherhood” in the Balkans, KosovaPress reports.

“The broadcast in the Serbian language by Russia Today is another attack on peace efforts in the Balkans and the EU, proving the further strengthening of the ‘Slavic brotherhood’ in the heart of Europe,” Fetoshi wrote on Twitter.

The Russian state channel, Russia Today (RT), announced on Tuesday that it has started broadcasting the program online in Serbian.

The news that the Russian state channel Russia Today (RT) has been confirmed on Twitter by the editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, with the message: “We started RT in the Balkans, because Kosovo is Serbia.”

In a statement published on RT’s Russian-language website, the broadcast in the Serbian-language TV program will begin in 2024.

“Surely, nowhere in the world have we been welcomed as much as here. I want to address the beloved Serbs in their own language: ‘Brothers, watch RT,'” Simonyan said in an official announcement by Russian state television.

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