Murati publishes statistics from the Trust: 442,383 accounts paid contributions in 2023

The Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, has made public some statistics of the Trust, where according to the annual report,…

The super-salaries, the governor and the director of the Trust receive over 4 thousand euros per month

The law on salaries in the public sector approved in the Assembly with the coefficient in the value of 105…

The withdrawal of the Trust money will be considered again on Thursday in the Assembly, VV opposes

The withdrawal of a part of citizens’ pension savings from the Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (TRUST) will be considered again…

The return of 10 percent of the funds withdrawn from the Trust in 2020 remains a challenge for the government

It is considered challenging for the Government to begin the reimbursement of 10 percent of funds withdrawn by citizens from…

On November 5, a protest will be held to demand the withdrawal of 30% of the Trust

Next Saturday, on November 5, through a peaceful march from the National Library to the Government of Kosovo, the withdrawal…

Murati talks about the losses in the Pension Savings Fund

The Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, has admitted that the Trust is suffering a loss of pension savings. According to…

Experts warn: The Trust Fund remains at risk; they ask for urgent measures to be taken

Investments of the Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (TRUST) are experiencing the most difficult period this year as a result of…

Through a protest, the withdrawal of 30 percent of the Trust is demanded

Dozens of KEK employees protested today with the request to allow the withdrawal of 30 percent of pension savings from…

The director of the Trust withdrew the money from the Trust, he has an annual income of about 50 thousand euros

The managing director of the Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (Trust), Adrian Zalli, remains one of the highest paid officials in…

With protest, citizens seek withdrawal from Trust, they warn of blocking the Government

Dozens of citizens protested on Thursday in front of the government building, where they asked the government to vote on…