The meeting of the Committee on Economy fails

In the absence of a quorum, the meeting of the Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade failed to be…

The Law on Consumer Protection is amended, Hajdari: Consumers are empowered and play an active role in the market

The Committee on Economy on Thursday approved in principle the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on Consumer…

The Committee approves in principle the Draft Law on Tourism

The Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade in today’s meeting approved in principle the Draft Law on Tourism. This draft…

MPs ask for clarifications, RAEPC justifies IPKO for welcome messages in Serbia

The Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade on Thursday visited RAEPC to get more information regarding the messages that…

The four northern municipalities owe about 15m euros for spent water

Apart from the electricity that the residents of the four Serb-majority municipalities in northern Mitrovica do not pay for, they…

Kusari-Lila: It is better to have funds from KOSTT for the electricity in the North, than return the police officers in coffins

Today, a parliamentary debate took place on the electricity consumed by Serbs in the four northern municipalities. Two proposals and…

MPs ask the institutions to take seriously the findings of the progress report

In the Committee on Economy, Employment, Trade, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Investments during the day, ministers and representatives of independent…