Counting of votes from the diaspora is expected to begin tomorrow

The counting of votes sent from the diaspora is expected to begin on Wednesday. Meanwhile, as of today at 12:00,…

CEC explains the reason for the discrepancy between the number of votes and the number of voters

The Central Election Commission has clarified the situation regarding the discrepancy between the number of voters and the number of…

These are the fines imposed by the ECAP on February 9

On February 9, the Elections Complaints and Appeals Panel published several fines it imposed due to complaints made by political entities during…

Prosecution requests information about the non-functioning of the CEC platform

The Office of the Chief State Prosecutor has announced that the Basic Prosecution in Pristina, yesterday, after receiving information about…

Here’s when the counting of votes for candidates for MPs will begin

Tomorrow, the process of counting votes for candidates for MPs will begin at the Municipal Counting Centers. Valmir Elezi, spokesperson…

​Gashi of Avonet: The CEC server crash affected the citizens’ vote

In some counting centers in Kosovo, the vote counting process has not yet begun, while the Central Election Commission server…

CEC says it has overcome problems on the results platform

The spokesperson of the Central Election Commission, Valmir Elezi, told KosovaPress that in the early hours of the morning, the…

CEC releases new results, 89.62% of votes counted

The Central Election Commission has released new statistics, with 89.62% of votes counted, according to which the Vetevendosje Movement leads with…

These are the new preliminary results published by the CEC

The Central Election Commission has released new statistics at 06:04. According to these data, the Vetevendosje Movement leads with a…

This is the percentage of votes counted, this is the ranking of the parties

The CEC is continuing to count the votes for today’s parliamentary elections. As of 20:56, 23.56 percent of the votes…