Unknown persons set fire to garbage at night on the Kodra e Trimave neighborhood

The burning of garbage at night is causing problems for the residents of Kodra e Trimave in the capital, and…

Great interest of patients in the capital for free thyroid gland analysis

The analysis of the thyroid gland, which costs patients about 15 euros, is now being done for free at the…

UP decides to financially support students with special needs

The University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” is among the first universities in the Balkans that has inaugurated the Center for…

Meet the beautiful 23-year-old girl who will promote Kosovo around the world

The 23-year-old girl from Prishtina, Gentiana Barbatovci, won the hearts of the jury with her character, energy and beauty, being…

Prishtina celebrates health week by praising itself

The health week was marked with several activities in the capital. All this with the aim of making citizens aware…

Kosovo’s goals in FIBA Women’s European Championship for Small Countries

The 2024 FIBA Women’s European Championship for Small Countries, will be held on June 25-30, 2024, at the Palace of…

A march is held in honor of the 25th anniversary of Prishtina’s health system, the staff are proud of their achievements

In honor of the 25th anniversary of Prishtina’s health system, the health workers of the Family Medicine and Emergency Centers…

On the day of Eid al-Adha, there is a call for love for the homeland

Muslim believers are celebrating the holiday of Eid al-Adha in Kosovo as well. From the early morning they went to…

The former employees of “Rilindja” protest in front of the PAK, they demand their rights

The former employees of “Rilindja” have protested for the non-realization of the rights for the 20 percent, in front of…

The petition “For a Kosovo without suicide”, about 5 thousand more signatures are needed to send the petition to the Assembly of Kosovo

The inadequate handling of the suicide phenomenon by state institutions has forced the organization “Lifeline” (organization for the prevention of…