A mother beats her child in Podujeva, the child is sent for medical treatment at UCCK

On Wednesday, a mother in Podujeva beat her child in Podujeva. After being beaten by his mother, the child was…

​Several neighborhoods in Podujevo have been flooded

Rain and snow that fell overnight have caused floods again today in some areas of the Municipality of Podujeva. To take…

​Gunmen rob a supermarket in Podujevo, gunshots were fired

Am armed robbery took place in Podujeva. According to KosovaPress sources, the gunmen managed to rob a large amount of…

The CEC announces the final results of the elections in Podujeva and Northern Mitrovica

The Central Election Commission has announced today the final results of the extraordinary elections for mayor of Podujeva and North…

The CEC announces the final results for the elections in Podujeva and northern Mitrovica

The Central Election Commission has announced today the final results of the snap elections for mayor of Podujeva and North…

Until 15:00 in Podujeva voted 29.76%, in North Mitrovica 30.3%

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has provided details on the participation of citizens in the elections and the conduct of…

​Minister Zemaj inspects the respect of anti-Covid measures in the elections in Podujeva

The Minister of Health, Armend Zemaj on Sunday afternoon together with the Sanitary Inspectorate went to the field in Podujeva…

Rudari: Vote and respect the anti-Covid measures

LDK candidate for mayor of Podujeva, Nexhmi Rudari has asked citizens to turn out as much as possible in the…

CEC: Polling stations in northern Mitrovica and Podujeva opened on time

Snap elections for mayor are being held today in the two municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo, Podujeva and North…