The floods caused great damages in Llap, the worst situation is in Pakashtica of Podujeva

Great damage to the road infrastructure, family economy and agriculture has been caused in Podujevo as a result of the…

A man was found dead yesterday in Podujevo. 

The police informed today that the doctor has confirmed the death of the victim. “It is reported that the Kosovar…

The level of waste collection is increasing; the efficient implementation of the legislation remains a challenge

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the mayors of the municipalities of the Prishtina region for the development…

A person is arrested for sexual harassment in Podujeva

The Kosovo Police has arrested a person in Podujeva after the same person is suspected of having sexually harassed the victim.…

The prosecutor’s office is examining the charges against Bulliqi for the constructions at the Batllava lake

The constructions in the area around the lake of Batllava have become the main issue in Podujevo and it was…

Major damage after rain and hail in Podujeva

Heavy rains and hail that fell yesterday in different parts of the Municipality of Podujeva, has caused significant damage to…

​Hungarian KFOR donates medical equipment to Podujeva

The Hungarian Defense Forces, in accordance with the decision of the Hungarian government, have implemented a project of civil-military cooperation…

​LVV and LDK celebrate in Podujeva

While about 50 percent of ballots in the municipality of Podujeva have been counted, the two political camps have started…

​First CEC results: Podujeva goes to the runoff

According to the preliminary results of the CEC, the Municipality of Podujeva will go to the runoff. This is because…

Hyseni promises support for the Handikos association in Podujeva

The candidate of the Democratic League of Kosovo for mayor of Podujeva, Ekrem Hyseni, has promised institutional support for the…