Conditional vote count ends in Podujeva, Bulliqi gets the most votes

The counting of conditional votes and those of the people with special needs for the Municipality of Podujeva has been…

Ekrem Hyseni: The values of the war are the values of our people

The candidate of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) for mayor of Podujeva, Ekrem Hyseni, today held a meeting with…

Bulliqi after the meeting with Kurti and Vitia: The situation we are in due to COVID-19 leaves no room for politicization

The mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi has stated that the situation in which the country finds itself due to COVID-19…

A girl has gone missing in Podujeva

For more than two weeks nothing is known about the fate of a girl in Podujeva. Her mother reported to the…

5 gambling machines were found in a bar in Podujeva

Five functioning gambling machines were found in a bar in Podujeva. Kosovo Police has announced that two Kosovar male suspects…

There is no distance at the polling station in Gllamnik either

The voting process continues in the voting center at the “Kongtesi i Manastirit” school, in the village of Gllamnik, in…

Suspicions of physical assault on a citizen, Bulliqi reacts

The Mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi reacted to the news that he attacked a municipal official at the Main Family…

The compatriot photographs the vote in Podujeva, gets arrested by the police

A person has been arrested at the “Isa Boletini” economic school, who photographed the vote. This was confirmed for KosovaPress…

Bogujevci votes for Podujeva mayor: Everyone should exercise their right to vote

Saranda Bogujevci of the Vetevendosje Movement, also exercised her civil right to vote for the mayor of Podujeva. Shpejtim Bulliq’s…

Bulliqi also votes: I voted for the future of the citizens of Podujeva

Vetevendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi has called on the citizens of Llap to vote for a…