A house has burned down, a woman is in serious health condition

A house has burned down on “Rexhep Krasniqi” street in Prishtina and as a result a woman is in a…

A person is found dead in Fushe Kosova

A person was found dead in his apartment on “Mother Teresa” street in Fushe Kosova. The police forcefully opened the…

A barn was burned in Zubin Potok

A barn was burned last night in Zubin Potok. There had been livestock feed and agricultural work equipment. In the…

A person is arrested after stealing a wallet

The Kosova Police in Peja have arrested a person suspected of theft in Peja. He is suspected of having stolen…

Two wanted persons are arrested, one in Kaçanik and the other in Hani i Elezit

The Kosova Police have arrested two wanted persons, one in Kaçanik and the other in Hani i Elezit. “On 10.01.2023…

A person from Ferizaj is arrested after attacking an 18-year-old girl

The Kosova Police arrested a 22-year-old man, after he allegedly attacked an 18-year-old girl. The cause of the attack appears…

A man is arrested in Suhareka after mistreating his son

A man was arrested yesterday in Suharekë, after mistreating his minor son. The police informed today that the minor has…

A 35-year-old man died in a traffic accident in Çaglavica

A 35-year-old man died as a result of an accident that happened today in Çaglavica. The news for KosovaPress was…

Today, KFOR will remove the trucks from the north

Kosova Police has informed that today the KFOR units will remove the damaged heavy vehicles (trucks), which were placed in…

Suspicious death in the “Sunny Hill” neighborhood in Prishtina

The Kosova Police has confirmed for KosovaPress the suspicious death of a woman in the “Sunny Hill” neighborhood in Prishtina.…