Gucati: International community should also react to the movie “The Balkan Line”

There are over 400 massacres committed by the Serbian state in Kosovo, and apart from the fact that no one…

22 years since the battle of Llapushnik

22 years ago, in Llapushnik of Drenas, a fierce battle took place between the forces of the Kosovo Liberation Army…

Protest from the balconies in protection of the KLA values

The statements of Shkëlzen Gashi, political advisor of the incumbent Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, that the KLA has committed crimes,…

Serbia sends Kosovo 1,000 coronavirus test kits, Haradinaj calls it humiliation and seeks a reaction from the institutions

The deputy head of the Kosovo Liberation Army War Veterans’ Organisation, Nasim Haradinaj  has made a request to the Parliamentary…

Haradinaj recalled Agim Ramadani on the day of his fall

The AAK Chairman, Ramush Haradinaj, through a Facebook post has recalled the Commander Agim Ramadani on the anniversary of his…

A life in service of the homeland

She decided to wear the uniform of the Kosovo Liberation Army to serve to the homeland in the war time,…

Tonight is “The Night of Fires” in Prekaz

Today ends the national manifestation in honor of the Kosovo Liberation Army’s Epopee

Prekazi is a place where the state of Kosovo was sealed

 The mayors of Skenderaj and Drenas paid homage to the “Adem Jashari “memorial complex in Prekaz on the 22nd anniversary…

Second day of manifestation of the KLA Epopee

With different activities, today continues to mark the 22nd anniversary of the Glory Epopee of KLA and the heroic fall…

Special Court summons the lawyer Gafurr Elshani

Lawyer Gafurr Elshani is the next member summoned by the Special Prosecutor’ Office for an informative conversation in The Hague,…