KFOR donates protection equipment worth 70,000 Euro to the hospitals of Pristina and Gracanica

The NATO-led KFOR mission has donated Personal Protection Equipment worth 70,000 Euro to the hospitals of Prishtina and Gracanica, in…

COVID-19, KFOR continues its important work in an effective and safe manner

In response to the global pandemic of Corona virus the NATO-led Kosovo Force is continuing on a regular basis its…

KFOR donates personal protective equipment amid Covid-19 response

KFOR delivered personal protective equipment against COVID19 to the Municipalities of North and South Mitrovica.

Sveçla and Risi: The cooperation between institutions will significantly increase efficiency in dealing with COVID-19 pandemics

Incumbent Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration & Coordinator of the Inter-institutional Group on Incident Management,…

KFOR commander invites Bahtiri and Rakic to come together against coronavirus

The situation with coronavirus is very serious. It’s serious here in the Balkans, in the Europe and around the world.…

Kurti-Risi: Maintaining the security in Kosovo is our common goal

The incumbent Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, hosted in a meeting the KFOR Commander, Major General Michele Risi, where they discussed…

​​KFOR and Iceland sign technical agreement on lower airspace

The Commander of NATO-led Kosovo Force, Major General Michele Risi, signed today a framework agreement concerning the management of the…