ERO: Heating tariffs remain the same also for the 2024/2025 season, there is no price increase

The Chairman of the Board of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO), Ymer Fejzullahu, has stated that even for the 2024/2025…

Heating during the winter, how will the citizens of Prishtina be billed?

More than 17,000 residential units in which measuring devices are installed on radiators will be billed for their real costs.…

The agreement for the “Solar for Kosovo-Central Heating” project is signed 

The loan and grant agreement for the “Solar for Kosovo-Central Heating” Project was signed today. The project as a whole…

The heating with fossil fuels is worsening the air pollution in our country

Kosovars are at risk from air pollution in terms of respiratory health. Pollution comes from power plants, as well as…