Missing persons’ families have the right to know the truth

On Kosovo’s National Day of Missing Persons, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) reaffirms its commitment…

Challenges in implementing the Whistleblower Protection Law

The whistleblower protection law is still not sufficiently known to all officials and other citizens employed in public and private…

Work makes them not feel the boredom of prison, women in the Correctional Service of Lipjan interested in more training courses

She starts the day with work in the bakery, continues in tailoring and then in hairdressing, but also finds time…

EULEX welcomes de-escalation of tensions in the north: A return to dialogue agreements is essential

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) welcomes the de-escalation of tensions in northern Kosovo and the…

The EU and the US are concerned: We are working with Kurti and Vucic to find a political solution

The European Union and the United States of America today expressed concern about the ongoing tense situation in the north…

The EULEX medical team conducted a medical check-up on the arrested ex-policeman Dejan Pantiq

The EULEX medical team did a check-up on the arrested ex-policeman Dejan Pantiq At the request of the responsible authorities…

EULEX: We are monitoring the situation in the north through increased presence on the ground

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, EULEX, has announced today that it is closely monitoring the security…

Embassy of Italy: The attacks on the Kosovo Police and EULEX have no justification, we strongly condemn them

Regarding the recent developments in the north of Kosovo and the attacks on the Kosovo Police and those on EULEX,…

Rohde: Violence against EULEX and other security providers needs to stop now

The Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has reacted after the attacks with a decoy bomb (shock bomb) on…

EULEX confirms shock bomb attack on their patrol

EULEX has confirmed that a decoy bomb (shock bomb) was thrown at an EULEX patrol last evening near Rudare. According…