Minister Aliu gives details about the Prishtina-Durrës railway, and the works on the roads to Podujeva and Peja

The Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Liburn Aliu tells what will be the fate of the project for…

The tourist season in Albania; income doubles and the number of foreign tourists increases

Albania has had a surprising summer season. This is how Prime Minister Edi Rama considers, who said that the season…

The project for the new Port of Durrës, how it is also “transformed” into the Port of Prishtina

The project for the new port of Durrës was presented today during a meeting of Prime Minister Rama in his…

NATO has launched joint military exercises in Durres, Kim congratulates Albania on taking responsibility

“Defender Europe 21” started on Tuesday in the port of Durres, a joint multinational exercise that will take place in…

​1 year from the earthquake in Thumana that took the lives of 51 people

In the early morning of November 26, 2019, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the village of Thumana in Durres. This…