Only 17 beds in the COVID clinic in Drenas, a large number of citizens are seeking treatment

There are only 17 beds in the COVID-19 Clinic in Drenas, whereas, in just one day, 260 patients infected with…

A person is found dead in Drenas

A person was found dead last night in Drenas. Police units, the state prosecutor and the medical team went to…

Although it was re-evaluated, Drenas again triumphs for the best performance

The Municipality of Drenas also in the re-evaluation has won the first prize for the best municipal performance for 2019,…

22 years since the massacre in Poklek and Çikatova

Today marks 22 years since the massacre in the villages of Old Poklek and Old Çikatova, in Drenas municipality, where…

The cornerstone is laid for the construction of the kindergarten in Drenas

The Mayor of Drenas, Ramiz Lladrovci, accompanied by the Deputy Mayor Arben Shala, the director of MED, Muhamet Gjoka, the…

​Hoxhaj meets with Lladrovci: Drenas, an example of good governance

The chairman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, met today with the Mayor of Drenas, Ramiz Lladrovci, from…

Houses and business premises under water, the bridge on “Martiret e Dritanit” street in Drenas collapses

Heavy rains that have fallen in recent days have caused problems in some parts of Kosovo. Water also seeped into many…

Another person dies from Covid-19

Through a Facebook post, the Mayor of Drenas, Ramiz Lladrovci, has announced that another person with Covid-19 from this municipality…

No case of coronavirus in Drenas

The municipality of Drenas has announced that there is no case of coronavirus in this city, nor in the villages…