Gashi: Kurti is doing great damage to Kosovo

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Arben Gashi, has accused Prime Minister Albin Kurti…

PDK and LDK ask the government to meet the demands of the police

The two opposition parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Democratic League of Kosovo, have asked the government to…

Gashi: Kurti should report to the Assembly

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Arben Gashi, today asked Prime Minister Albin…

LDK leaves the Assembly, warns of boycott of sessions and committees

The Democratic League of Kosovo has left from today’s session of the Assembly of Kosovo and has warned that they will…

LDK criticizes the Government and KEK for the failure of the repairs in A-5 Unit

The head of the parliamentary group of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Arben Gashi, has criticized the Government and the…

Gashi: Kurti should have accepted the request of international partners for license plates

The head of MPs of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Arben Gashi, said that the government should have accept the…

Gashi: The level and outcome of the meetings does not justify Kurti’s visit to the US

The head of the parliamentary group of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Arben Gashi said that in the meeting of…

Nikolla: Albania is committed to lobbying for Kosovo’s membership in CE

The delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, composed…

LDK demands that the session continue with the establishment of the inquiry commission on energy

The Democratic League of Kosovo has stated that the Assembly should not take any other decision until the establishment of…

Gashi: The inquiry commission initiated by the opposition, will be established

The MP of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Arben Gashi, has expressed his determination to form a parliamentary inquiry commission…