Petritsch: Changing of borders does not seem to be on the table of EU

Petritsch: Changing of borders does not seem to be on the table of EU

Wofgang Petritsch Former European Union envoy in talks between Kosovo and Serbia during 1998-1999 says border change between Kosovo and Serbia backed by former EU High Representative Frederica Mogerini and her negotiating team no longer seems to be in EU table.

In an exclusive interview with Kosovapress, Ambassador Petritsch said that Mr. Grenell’s latest statement was important and that there was a clear indication that the United States wanted a European solution for Kosovo.

He recalls how difficult it was to bring together all of Kosovo’s political groups before Rambouillet. And he says, but once that was achieved, the negotiations progressed. This should serve as an example of a united approach today.

Interviewed by Fadil MIFTARI

Kosovapress:   Mr. Petritsch in the past you have been deeply involved in Western diplomatic efforts to resolve the status of Kosovo, I know that even now you are in the course of developments. As you can see, the European Union has intensified its efforts to restart the dialogue, and you have been an advocate for the talks to be mediated by Brussels. From your point of view, how do you see the developments now between the talks between Kosovo and Serbia?

PETRITSCH: After the untimely publication from the Specialist Court in The Hague regarding President Thaci things in Kosovo, specifically the future of the Belgrade-Prishtina dialogue, have changed. The Washington Summit was postponed and it is questionable if it will ever take place. I was always a strong advocate of the EU-mediated dialogue and am still convinced that only a European compromise will be successful, supported by both Belgrade and Prishtina will bring normalisation. I am also convinced that the US has a very important role in this. But since the final decision will be in the UN Security Council where Russia and China have a veto, Moscow and Beijing have to be kept informed as well. I support the renewed EU mediation with Mr Lajcak at the helm and I am also happy about the French and German initiatives. A lasting solution has to be comprehensive – politically, economically and if a high standard of human and minority rights is enshrined in this compromise between Belgrade and Prishtina – and supported by the EU and the UN.

Kosovapress:  Direct activation of top European leaders such as President Macron, Chancellor Merkel and EU Chief for foreign policy Mr.Josep Borell in the dialogue process, undoubtedly creates a much more serious expectation about the results. As diplomats, what are your impressions of this dynamism, please tell me what do you expect?

PETRITSCH: I am very optimistic now since the big European powers have become active. Let Brussels and Washington find common ground with the help of Germany which holds the EU-Presidency. The next six months will be crucial in finding a solution.

Kosovapress: Now that the June 27 meeting at the White House has failed, but Ambassador Grenell made a statement yesterday in support of European efforts, does that mean that Brussels will eventually be the center of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia?

PETRITSCH: Mr Grenell’s latest statement is important and there is a clear indication that the US wants a European solution. Lets try and bring Washington back on board of a solution that really brings peace to the region.

Kosovapress: Relations between the US and Europe marked the lowest point since World War II, due to disagreements over how to conduct the dialogue, given Ambassador Grenell’s statement if  you expect the US to support the dialogue according to the European model?

PETRITSCH: There is now reason to believe that the US and Europe will again join forces. We have seen in the past that when Europe and the US were together they were able to achieve a lot. This formula needs to be revived.

Kosovapress:  The European Union has strongly opposed the idea of exchanging territory between Kosovo and Serbia as an “opportunity to reach a peace agreement” between them. Now that the talks seem to have taken a different turn, do you think that idea is already dead?

PETRITSCH: You are right, the idea of a mutually agreed border demarcation which was supported by Ms Mogherini and her negotiation team seems to be off the table in the EU. But let me tell you one thing: Only if there is a fair compromise agreement between Belgrade and Prishtina will the solution have a chance to succeed in the future. So let the negotiators do their work. In fact, they need to work hard because peace will depend on their engagement. It will be difficult but it is achievable. Just think of the many agreements that were achieved over the past years. Granted, many of them still need to be implemented and the Association of Serb Communities is still pending. Lets use the time now and implement the already agreed parts of the Dialogue. This will create trust and help all citizens to feel safer in their homeland.

Kosovapress:  Mr.  Ambassador, before a few months  Mr. Albin Kurti was the prime minister and the impression was created that he gained great sympathy, especially from the European leadership. Now that the talks appear are to be  mediated by the European Union, do you think Kurti’s image will be missing in these negotiations?

PETRITSCH: In order to be strong you need a united position on the Dialogue. There Mr Kurti is important, but he too needs to find common ground with the other political forces in the country. I remember how difficult t was to bring all groups together before Rambouillet. But once this was achieved, the negotiations made progress. This should serve as an example for a united approach today.

Kosovapress:  The Kosovo delegation is being led by Prime Minister Hoti in talks. A part of the opposition in Kosovo did not consider it legitimate and credible, as he came to this position after the overthrow of the Kurti Government at the height of pandemic while they were in coalition with Mr. Kurti. Now what I want to ask you is, do you believe that the current leadership is able to reach an agreement with Serbia, given that they have a simple parliamentary majority and it is difficult to ratify the agreement in the Assembly in this composition of forces?

PETRITSCH: The past turmoil was not helpful for Kosovo and has demonstrated the deep rift inside the country. However, the European have recognized the Hoti government and have recognized him as the representative of his country. Yes, you are right, the current government does not appear to be very strong . I do not know if it would not be better to have new elections soon in order to have a fully legitimate and stronger government. Kosovars will have to decide if they want a politically united government which represents all its citizens. But for this the leading politicians will have to sit down together and take such a decision.

Kosovapress: Since the day Germany took over the presidency of the European Union, a perception has been created in Kosovo, or rather a hope for visa liberalization. Could such a thing happen within this six-month period?

PETRITSCH: Many in Germany support visa liberalisation, some in the EU are still against it, in spite of the fact that Kosovo has fulfilled the demands of the EU already some time ago. Clearly, the Corona pandemic has made such a decision still more difficult. But lets hope that the German EU-Presidency will actively pursue visa liberalisation. It would be a first important step towards Kosovo’s integration into the wider Europe.


/ Wofgang Petritsch is an Austrian career diplomat. In the Balkans he was engaged in 1997-1999 as Ambassador of Austria to the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. During the same period, between October 1998 and July 1999, he also served as the European Union’s Special Representative for Kosovo. Under this responsibility, he headed the EU negotiating teams in February and March 1999 at talks on Kosovo at the Rambouillet and Paris conferences./