Peci: Great Britain is put in the “hot spot” of Serbo-Russian attacks and misinformation

Peci: Great Britain is put in the “hot spot” of Serbo-Russian attacks and misinformation

The director of the KIPRED Institute, Lulzim Peci, reacted after the statement of the President of Serbia, that “Great Britain is equipping Kosovo with anti-tank missiles”, which he said are a continuation of attacks and coordinated misinformation between Serbia and Russia. According to him, this is not a coincidence and that, as he says, Great Britain has been put in the “hot spot” of Serbo-Russian attacks.

The UK has been put on the hot spot of coordinated attacks and deformations between Serbia and Russia, and this is no coincidence. It has been more than eight months since these attacks in Kosovo were in particular focused on the UK Embassy in Kosovo, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo – UK Ambassador Michael Davenport, and the British intelligence, on conspiracy against the Serb community in Kosovo, by supporting the intervention of the Kosovo Police in the northern part of Kosovo, which was part of the operation against organized crime that took place throughout Kosovo, on October 13, 2021, as well as to ‘support’ the decision of the Government and the Assembly of Kosovo to not allow the holding of a referendum on constitutional changes in Serbia in the territory of Kosovo ‘, he wrote on Facebook.

Lexo edhe