Non-issuance of fiscal coupons in the north and other cities, a challenge for TAK

Non-issuance of fiscal coupons in the north and other cities, a challenge for TAK

The Tax Administration of Kosovo claims that it extends to the entire territory of the country, including in the four northern municipalities, with the aim, as it is said, of preventing informality. However, the non-issuance of fiscal coupons by some businesses both in the north and in other cities of the country remains a challenge for TAK. During these first months of this year, TAK has issued over 500 fines to businesses for not issuing fiscal coupons. According to TAK, the value of the fines is around 190 thousand euros. In addition, TAK has identified over six thousand undeclared workers in the Kosovo market in 2023.

TAK managers say that they have foreseen measures that are aimed at combating informality.

The director of the Tax Administration of Kosovo (TAK), Ilir Murtezaj, says that despite many punishments, businesses continue not to issue fiscal coupons. Although, Murtezaj says that there is an increase in tax revenues for each year, which according to him proves that there is a decrease in informality in general.

Murtezaj points out that the non-issuance of fiscal coupons by businesses is not only a challenge in the northern part, but also in the capital and other places.

He emphasizes that with the entry into force of the new law, in addition to mandated fines, other punitive measures are foreseen according to which, if a business is punished three times within the annual period for not issuing fiscal coupons, it will be closed for seven days. Until, the punishment can go with the closure of the business for up to 15 days.

But, despite these punitive measures, Murtezaj shows that only during January and February of this year, TAK has imposed over 500 fines, in the amount of 190 thousand euros, for not issuing fiscal coupons.

In addition to these, Murtezaj told KosovaPress that during 2023, TAK has identified over six thousand undeclared workers in the Kosovo market, over two thousand more than during 2022.

Among other things, Murtezaj shows that TAK has made considerable progress in increasing annual revenues, for which he says that in the last three years the figures have risen to an average of around 20 percent.

He says that only during these two months, January-February, more than 172 million euros have been collected, adding that these achievements are the result of fighting informality by creating such a system which reduces the possibilities of informality or tax avoidance.

Tax revenues are the main source of public revenue collection with which the state completes public financial expenses. /Z. Zeneli/

Lexo edhe

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