Municipalities ready for mass vaccination, MoH hires 422 additional nurses

Municipalities ready for mass vaccination, MoH hires 422 additional nurses

From June 15, the state health institutions, have announced the mass vaccination against COVID-19. In order to carry out this process as well as possible, all municipalities have already made the necessary preparations and declare that they are ready for mass vaccination. In addition to the medical teams, the municipal authorities have also prepared the premises where the immunization process will take place, and mainly cultural and sports halls have been selected.

In Prishtina, the process of mass immunization will continue in the “October 1” hall. The acting director of the Main Family Medicine Center (MFMC), Rrezart Halili, told KosovaPress that they have already trained health professionals and that they have agreed on plans with the MoH and NIPHK so that this process can be carried out without trouble.

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