Kosovo signs free trade agreement with EFTA

Kosovo signs free trade agreement with EFTA

Kosovo signed today in Davos, Switzerland, a free trade agreement with the member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), thus becoming the only country in the region that, in addition to negotiations on trade in goods, has also negotiated trade in services with EFTA.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that the agreement will create new possibilities by giving Kosovo access to EFTA markets, creating a competitive environment, eliminating trade barriers with a special focus on increasing exports and investments.

“The agreement we are signing today establishes a framework for trade relations between the EFTA states and the Republic of Kosovo, and we will create new possibilities, giving Kosovo access to EFTA markets. This opens up new possibilities for our businesses and deeper integration into the European economic framework, enabling us to compete on a larger scale. This agreement also reflects our shared commitment to the principles of democracy, the rule of human rights, environmental protection, good cooperative governance, and cooperative responsibility”, said Kurti.

Kurti indicated that our producers will have easier access to some of the most developed markets in Europe, thus strengthening the economy and boosting exports.

One of the priorities of the agreement is to strengthen the export of Kosovo products, especially in the sectors of agriculture, processing industry and technology.

Lexo edhe

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