Kosovo ends up last in PISA, what needs to change to increase the quality of education?

Kosovo ends up last in PISA, what needs to change to increase the quality of education?

Lack of training for teachers is being cited as one of the reasons why Kosovo is ending up last in PISA in terms of quality in education. This was said at the roundtable, “Building the future of education in Kosovo – lessons from PISA”, organized by the German School of Kosova, Leadership Foundation and Schule Expert.

The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, said that we need to look at what is affecting the decline in quality in education, since according to him, the number of students in private universities is increasing.

Rohde: The number of students in public universities is falling and in private universities it is increasing

“When I looked at the statistics in Kosovo, I saw the numbers of students going to universities, but I see that in public universities the number is falling and in private universities it is increasing. We need to see what is affecting it,” said Rohde.

Meanwhile, Andreas Schleicher, the designer of PISA and director for education and skills at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, said that the quality of relations in the education sector in Kosovo needs to be improved. According to him, the situation in this sector is worse than 20 years ago.

Lexo edhe

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