Konjufca: Hero Ilaz Kodra, among the most emblematic figures of the KLA

Konjufca: Hero Ilaz Kodra, among the most emblematic figures of the KLA

The Assembly of Kosovo held today a solemn session in honor of the fall of the KLA commander, Ilaz Kodra, and the 315 martyrs who fell on April 30, 1999 in Drenica.

The Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, said that the hero Ilaz Kodra is among the most emblematic figures of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which belongs to the founding core of this glorious army led by the legendary commander, Adem Jashari.

Speaker Konjufca emphasized that Serbia wanted Kosovo without Albanians, therefore according to him, its war was genocidal.

On April 30, 25 years have passed since the heroic fall of the commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Ilaz Kodra, who was part of the first cells of the KLA and participated in all the wars in Drenica and its surroundings. Ilaz Ismajl Kodra was born on May 3, 1966 in the Kodra neighborhood of Prekaz.

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