It did not hold an election assembly; CEC suspends the PREBK party

It did not hold an election assembly; CEC suspends the PREBK party

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) with 10 votes in favor today decided to suspend the political party the United Roma Party of Kosovo (PREBK), since the latter has not held its election assembly according to the legal deadline. The deadline for holding the election assembly by this party was January 6, 2024.

Meanwhile, according to the decision of the CEC, PREBK is obliged to hold its election assembly in an additional period of 45 days, and if this is not achieved, then according to the regulation on the registration and functioning of political parties, the CEC takes a decision on deregistration from the register of political parties in Kosovo.

The director of the Office for registration, certification and financial control of political parties in the CEC, Besnik Buzhala, said that a few days ago the office sent a recommendation for the suspension of the political party United Roma Party of Kosovo (PREBK), because the latter did not hold its electoral assembly scheduled for January 6, 2024.

Meanwhile, the CEC member from Vetëvendosje, Sami Kurteshi, even though he voted for the suspension of this party, said that they are doing discriminatory actions. He added that with these decisions for the suspension of political parties, for not holding election assemblies, an impermissible violation is being committed.

Meanwhile, the chairman of CEC, Kreshnik Radoniqi, emphasized that with 10 votes in favor, the CEC takes a decision on the suspension of the United Roma Party of Kosovo (PREBK), while adding that the same is obliged to hold its convention or assembly within 45 days from today.

According to Law No. 08/L-288 on the General Elections in the Republic of Kosovo, all registered political parties are obliged to hold the election assembly within 6 months from the date of party registration and then at least every 48 months.

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