Gërvalla in Austria: Right information, a necessity to the aggressive Serbian propaganda towards Kosovo

Gërvalla in Austria: Right information, a necessity to the aggressive Serbian propaganda towards Kosovo

Rightly informing our friendly countries about the developments in Kosovo, the progress achieved in many areas, the destabilizing actions of Serbia, the act of aggression against Kosovo, the attacks against KFOR, the systematic violence, threats and constant blackmail against the citizens in the north of Kosovo on the part of illegal structures, it is necessary as a response to the aggressive Serbian propaganda against Kosovo.

In this context, Deputy Prime Minister Donika Gërvalla, as part of her official visit to Austria, met with the MP of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs of Austria, Mrs. Carmen Jeitler-Cincelli, the chairman of the Austria-Kosovo Friendship Group, Mr. Andreas Minnich and other members of the Austrian Parliament, who informed them in detail, among other things, about the attack in Banjska and the extension of state sovereignty to the entire territory of the country, the press release states.

“The Republic of Kosovo remains committed to the democratization of the country, the rule of law, the fight against corruption and nepotism, the protection of human rights and the freedom of the media, these areas in which our country has achieved great results, also confirmed from various international reports”, said Gërvalla in front the Austrian MPs.

Furthermore, Gërvalla thanked the Austrian MPs for Austria’s support to Kosovo and strong bilateral relations.

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