Kosovo Institute of Justice holds the closing meeting of the workshop, “Request for Transparent and Accountable Municipalities: Monitoring public procurement and empowering citizens to bring about positive change.” (Zoom: https: //us06web.zoom.us/j/2072452981? Pwd = SHAzL1kwTmcyYm1PdkdzNVNLNUZ6dz09, 10:00)
Civil society organizations sign a memorandum of cooperation for the establishment of the “Coalition Group 27”. (Hotel “Sirius”, Prishtina, 10:00)
Kosova Post promotes the postage stamp “Get vaccinated – save lives”. (Hotel “Swiss Diamond”, Prishtina, 10:00)
The Ad hoc Committee for the selection of candidates for member of the RTK Board reviews the list of proposed candidates for members of the RTK Board. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C203, 11:00)
The Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora meets with Tomas Szunyog, Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, regarding Kosovo’s agenda and relations with the EU. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N204, 13:30)