Events of May 5th

Events of May 5th

The third edition of the “Race for Clean Gjakova” begins with the planting of flowers from the bridge of Islam Beg to “Clock Tower” (Gjakova, time 08:30)

The Municipality of Podujeva in cooperation with the associations that emerged from the KLA war in Podujeva mark May 5 – Martyrs’ Day with various activities. It starts with the planting of 200 trees in Sylevica (Time 08:30)

Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) holds its next meeting (KJC, time 09:00)

The Committee on Right of Communities and Return holds a meeting (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N302, time 09:30)

Ad Hoc Committee on selection of the candidates for members in the Independent Media Committee (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N303, time 09:30)

The Assembly of Kosovo convenes in plenary session (Assembly of Kosovo, time 10:00)

The Municipal Assembly of Rahovec will continue the fourth meeting interrupted on April 29 (Municipality of Rahovec, time 09:00)

The municipality of Gjakova in co-organization with WVA-KLA in honor of the day of martyrs of the municipality of Gjakova, pays homage to the Memorial “Friends of Freedom” (Time 10:00); to the memorial of the hero Agron Rama (Time 10:10); to the Martyrs’ Cemetery (10:15)

The Tourism and Sports Fair will open (Youth Palace, time 11:00)

Kosovo Midwives Association marks the International Day of the Midwife (Kino ABC, Prishtina, time 11:00)

Kosovo Chamber of Commerce opens the General Fair “Prishtina 2022” (Fair Center, Shkabaj Village, Prishtina, time 11:00)

“Martyrs’ Week” is marked in the municipality of Rahovec with homage to the cemetery of martyrs in Rahovec (Time 11:00)

Kosovo Education Fair organizes the 14th edition (Youth Palace, time 17:00)

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