The third edition of the “Race for Clean Gjakova” begins with the planting of flowers from the bridge of Islam Beg to “Clock Tower” (Gjakova, time 08:30)
The Municipality of Podujeva in cooperation with the associations that emerged from the KLA war in Podujeva mark May 5 – Martyrs’ Day with various activities. It starts with the planting of 200 trees in Sylevica (Time 08:30)
Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) holds its next meeting (KJC, time 09:00)
The Committee on Right of Communities and Return holds a meeting (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N302, time 09:30)
Ad Hoc Committee on selection of the candidates for members in the Independent Media Committee (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N303, time 09:30)
The Assembly of Kosovo convenes in plenary session (Assembly of Kosovo, time 10:00)
The Municipal Assembly of Rahovec will continue the fourth meeting interrupted on April 29 (Municipality of Rahovec, time 09:00)
The municipality of Gjakova in co-organization with WVA-KLA in honor of the day of martyrs of the municipality of Gjakova, pays homage to the Memorial “Friends of Freedom” (Time 10:00); to the memorial of the hero Agron Rama (Time 10:10); to the Martyrs’ Cemetery (10:15)
The Tourism and Sports Fair will open (Youth Palace, time 11:00)
Kosovo Midwives Association marks the International Day of the Midwife (Kino ABC, Prishtina, time 11:00)
Kosovo Chamber of Commerce opens the General Fair “Prishtina 2022” (Fair Center, Shkabaj Village, Prishtina, time 11:00)
“Martyrs’ Week” is marked in the municipality of Rahovec with homage to the cemetery of martyrs in Rahovec (Time 11:00)
Kosovo Education Fair organizes the 14th edition (Youth Palace, time 17:00)