The judicial process continues in the case of Thaçi and others. (The Hague, 09:00 – 16:30)
The two-day Spring Conference of the Kosovo Society of Neurology will be held. (Hotel “Emerald” Prishtina, 09:00)
The Committee on Public Administration reviews the Draft Law on the Independent Media Committee. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 10:00)
The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo holds its next meeting. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-301, 10:00)
The Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS) holds the closing media conference for the Population, Households and Housing Census in Kosovo (ReKos 2024). (Kosovo Agency of Statistics, “Zenel Saliu” street, number 4, Prishtina, 10:00)
The Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade marks World Metrology Day with the motto “We measure today, for a sustainable tomorrow”. (Hotel “Garden” Prishtina, 10:00 – 13:00)
The Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Academy of Sciences of Albania organize the scientific conference “Climate changes, water resources and cleaning of polluted waters.” (Hall of the Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts, Prishtina, 10:30)
The Trade Union Federation of the Private Sector of Kosovo (FSPTSPK) meets with the heads of trade union associations. (FSPTSPK Prishtina, 14:00)
The German Embassy in Prishtina organizes a lecture tour on the book “Germany and Kosovo: The History of a Partnership”. (National Library “Pjeter Bogdani” Prishtina, 17:30)
Croatian Culture Week opens. (Kino “Armata” Prishtina, 18:00)