Events of March 30th

Events of March 30th

The trial against Salih Mustafa continues. (The Hague, time 09:30-16:00)

The Committee on Human Rights holds a meeting with the National Coordinator for Protection from Domestic Violence, Nita Shala, the Minister of Education, Arbёrie Nagavci, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, time 10:00)

The Committee on Budget holds a meeting on the reporting of the Pension Savings Fund regarding the latest developments in the financial markets and their impact on the savings of the citizens. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C-203, time 10:00)

The Committee on Environment in cooperation with the Directorate for Research, Library and Archive of the Assembly of Kosovo, organizes a roundtable discussion on “Legal regulation of consumption of energy drinks and non-carbonated beverages with added sugar”. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-506, time 10:00-12:00)

The meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Rahovec will be held. (Municipal Assembly Hall, Rahovec, time 10:00)

The EU and the Council of Europe launch the second phase of the ROMACTED program “Promoting good governance and empowerment of Roma at local level” (Cinema “Armata”, Prishtina, 10:00)

IFC/World Bank in cooperation with Kosovo Customs presents the findings of the report which measured the time of customs clearance of goods from the moment of entry to the end of customs procedures on export and import. (Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina, time 11:00-11:30)

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