Events of March 29

Events of March 29

The Ministry of Economy will hold the electronic auction (e-Auction) for the first solar project of 100 MW. Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Minister of Economy Artane Rizvanolli, acting USAID Mission Kerry Monaghan Hogler will be participating. (Venus Hotel, Prishtina-Lipjan highway, 09:30-10:50)

The Assembly of the Municipality of Deçan holds a meeting. (Hall of the Deçan Municipal Assembly, 10:00)

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) holds a meeting. (Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Prishtina, 10:00)

The municipality of Rahovec organizes honors for the nation’s martyr Sabit Shabandulla. (Cemetery of the martyrs, Rahovec, 10:00)

The Ministry of Local Government Administration holds the final conference of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Program for Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020. (Klan Arena Prishtina, 11:00)

The Budget Committee reviews the annual financial report of the Information and Privacy Agency for 2022. (Kosovo Assembly room N-506, 11:00)

The Committee on Public Administration reviews the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on public officials. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 13:00)

The Parliamentary Investigative Committee regarding the procedures for the supply and management of state reserves, the possible misuse and abuse of state reserves through the qualification of the procedure as a state secret for such supplies, discusses the compensation of experts. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-10, 13:00)

Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and the Minister for European Affairs of Montenegro, Maida Gorcevic, will sign the Kosovo-Montenegro agreement for the Cross-Border Cooperation Program IPA III for the years 2021-2027. (Government Building, 13:30, after the signing, a press conference will be held)

The “Tulltorja Art-Tek” project will be presented. (Tulltorja, Prishtina, 14:20)

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