The Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) holds its next meeting. (KJC meeting room, 09:00)
A court session is held regarding the case of the usurpation of a property worth millions in Prishtina/Çagllavica. (Basic Court in Prishtina, room number A212, 10:00)
Election campaign of the Coalition for Family:
10:00 – Meeting in Mramor (fruit factory)
12:00 – Meeting in Kamenica (Fugo factory, after Friday prayer)
13:30 – Visit to the Flexograf paper factory Gjilan
14:00 – Visit to the RC Cola factory Gjilan
18:30 – Opening of the campaign in Gjilan, at SHML – Music Hall
Promotion of the book “Eye to Eye with the World”, by the author Blerina Krasniqi. (HANDIKOS Resource Center – Veternik, Prishtina, 14:00)