Residents of Shipitulla of Obiliq will protest about the expropriations. They will place banners at the Prosecutor’s Office, in Tuscany at the Government, the Parliament. (The start of the protest is from “Newborn” Prishtina, time 10:00)
The ceremony of unveiling the winning proposal for the development of the Master Plan of the “Adem Jashari” Memorial Complex in Prekaz will be held. Prime Minister Albin Kurti and representatives of the Jashari family will participate. (“Emerald” Hotel, Prishtina, time 18:00-19:00)
Prime Minister Albin Kurti, at the same time chairman of Vetëvendosje, takes part in the meeting with the Diaspora Movement. (“Taukbahçe” neighborhood, near the field of KF Rilindja, Prishtina, time 20:00)