Elections in Kamenica, by 11:00 voted 9.70% of citizens

Elections in Kamenica, by 11:00 voted 9.70% of citizens

In the municipality of Kamenica by 11:00 have voted 9.70 percent of citizens. In this municipality, over 35 thousand citizens have the right to vote. This was announced by the Municipal Election Chairman, Agim Kastrati, who stressed for KosovaPress that the polling stations were opened on time and no irregularities were identified.

The candidates for mayor of Kamenica are: Qendron Kastrati from PSD, Kadri Rahimaj from LVV, Jeton Biqkaj from LDK, Muhamet Kallaba from PDK, Faton Jakupi from AAK and Albert Semaxhaj from Nisma.

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