Education in Kosovo is at a critical point, the challenge is the education of persons with disabilities

Education in Kosovo is at a critical point, the challenge is the education of persons with disabilities

Education in Kosovo is at a critical point and the education of persons with disabilities continues to be a challenge for Kosovo’s institutions. Meanwhile, this category of society itself is assessing that their requests are falling on deaf ears.

These comments were made at the conference organized by the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection – KOMF with the topic “Education in free fall”.

The president of the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection – KOMF Remzije Krasniqi, said that despite the large investments in infrastructure, Kosovo has achieved satisfaction in terms of access to physical institutions.

Krasniqi emphasized that in Kosovo, one psychologist covers about 4,000 students in Kosovo.

Whereas, Lulavere Behluli from Save the Children Kosovo stated that the education of children with disabilities remains a challenge in Kosovo.

Access to roads, schools, toilets and terminology are some of the complaints of the student and the head of the “Hëna” advocacy group, Eldin Gashi.

He said that the demands of children with disabilities are falling on deaf ears despite the huge obstacles these students face.

Meanwhile, Marije Vuksani from Terre des Hommes said that dropping out of schools continues to be a challenge in Kosovo.

For Vuksani, the logical and preparatory planning for the smooth running of the all-day lesson, which is taking place in some schools of the capital, was not enough.

On September 2, the new school year 2024-2025 started in Kosovo, and the innovation this year is the implementation of the full-day classes plan in several schools in Prishtina. /B.Ibishi/

Lexo edhe

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