The Central Election Commission has announced that on Tuesday the counting of votes for candidates for MPs will continue in 19 Municipal Counting Centers.
Yesterday, the CEC announced that according to the latest data as of February 16, 73.23% of polling stations have been counted, or a total of 1,855 out of 2,533, as part of the process of counting votes for candidates for MPs from the elections for the Assembly of Kosovo.
The CEC has announced that the count has been completed in 19 Municipal Counting Centers (MCCs), in the municipalities of: Decan, Istog, Klina, Fusha Kosova, Kamenica, South Mitrovica, Lipjan, Novobërdë, Obiliq, Shtërpcë, Suhareka, Viti, Junik, Mamusha, Elez Han, Ranilluga, Partesh, Kllokot and North Mitrovica.
The CEC says it continues to ensure transparency and fairness during the count process, which is expected to be completed soon.