Petra Bayr, head of the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), stated that in general Kosovo held inclusive and peaceful elections. While she emphasized that these elections have shown a political relief in which both the majority and minority communities are represented.
However, she also mentioned some of the challenges from the parliamentary elections held on Sunday in Kosovo. According to her, the delayed online publication of preliminary results was also seen as a shortcoming.
In a press conference, Bayr said that the elections were held in accordance with the 2023 election law, which generally provides an appropriate framework.
“We had inclusive, peaceful elections in Kosovo, the entire election process was very qualitative. Kosovo voters have demonstrated their commitment to democracy, voting peacefully and without tension… These elections have shown a political relief in which both the majority and minority communities were represented, and moreover, the participation of Kosovo Serbs who had a wide range of political choices, have contributed even more to the democratic process. The 24-member delegation was composed of 18 members of parliament, representatives of the Venice Commission, and personnel who observed the elections in Kosovo between 7 and 8 February”, Bayr emphasized.
Meanwhile, she underlined that the delayed online publication of the preliminary results was also seen as a shortcoming.