CEC updates preliminary results again, these are the votes of political parties

CEC updates preliminary results again, these are the votes of political parties

The Central Election Commission (CEC) today updated again at 11:27 today the preliminary results of political parties for the February 9 elections from the counting of all polling stations, which were 2533 in all municipalities.

Based on these results, the Vetevendosje Movement received 342 thousand 254 votes or 40.80%, the PDK received 184 thousand 936 votes or 22.05%, followed by the LDK which received 147 thousand 928 votes or 17.64% and the AAK coalition, the Social Democratic Initiative, received 62 thousand 588 votes or 7.46%

So far, the diaspora votes, conditional votes and votes of people with disabilities have not been counted.

Overall, the number of Kosovo citizens registered to vote outside Kosovo was 104,924, of which 20,324 were registered to vote at diplomatic missions and 15,352 voted, while 84,600 citizens were registered to vote by mail.

Based on CEC data, the number of envelopes with ballots from conditional polling stations is 12,801, which will also be subject to verification, which includes comparison with the list of voters signed at regular polling stations. Meanwhile, the number of ballots from persons with special needs is 2,597.

Lexo edhe

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