CDHRF calls for investigation into attack on Rasic’s son and burning of Bajqinovci’s car

CDHRF calls for investigation into attack on Rasic’s son and burning of Bajqinovci’s car

The CDHRF reacted after the violence against the son of the Serbian politician Nenad Rasic and the burning of the car of the former MP of the Vetevendosje Movement, Mefail Bajqinovci, demanding that both cases be investigated. CDHRF has previously reacted to blackmail, threats and physical violence against Kosovo Serb political leaders who came out in defense of the interests of their compatriots and who were not with the official line of Belgrade, but adds that the reaction of institutions has been inconsistent. with the danger posed by Kosovo Serb politicians.

The CDHRF says the court should have the final say if it was a coincidence or a deliberate attack on Nikola Rasic because of the political activity of his father, Nenad Rasic. CDHRF also calls on for investigations of the case where the car of the candidate for MP from LVV, Mefail Bajqinovci, was burned down.


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