CDBK: A regulatory commission for oil and gas should be established

CDBK: A regulatory commission for oil and gas should be established

The Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo (CDBK) today addressed a letter to the Prime Minister of the country, requesting that measures be taken as soon as possible in accordance with the economic situation in the country and the crisis that has gripped the country as a result of enormous price increases after recent global developments.

The CDBK has requested from the Government of the Republic of Kosovo that Kosovo should take the necessary steps, the same as many countries in the region have already done, in order to reduce the excise tax on oil products.

The reduction of excise, according to the CDBK, will directly affect the reduction of the price of petroleum products, where these prices in every country of the world have changed as a result of the war in Ukraine.

“The Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo has proposed to the Government of the Republic of Kosovo not to freeze the prices of oil products, but to create a regulatory commission for oil and gas products, the same as the countries of the region have acted (some of them have even established this commission for a long time). One of the responsibilities of the oil and gas regulatory commission will include monitoring the fluctuations of oil and gas prices as well as setting the wholesale and retail price for certain periods, three to four weeks. Also, this commission can oblige the businesses of the oil sector, to have certain monthly reserves, which will enable them to easily operate at the prices set by the regulatory commission for oil and gas derivatives. Given the fact that changes are ongoing, unexpected, and new for our country, the CDBK is ready to support the Government of the Republic of Kosovo with concrete proposals, in order to overcome the current situation as soon as possible and with as few implications for businesses and society in general”, it is said in the CDBK statement.

Lexo edhe