The director of Psychiatry Clinic, Faton Kutllovci, shows how the workload affects mental health

Experiencing anxiety, stress and depression negatively affect mental health and they come as a result of mental fatigue in the…

Bislimi: I will meet with Lajcak tomorrow, I don’t know when the next dialogue meeting will be held

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, announced that tomorrow he will meet with the EU’s special representative for…

Kurti: Kosovo is an attractive and favorable destination for investments

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that Kosovo is an attractive and favorable destination for investments and that…

Vujanovic: The peace and stability of the region should be ensured by the Western Balkan states themselves

The former president of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic, believes that the peace and stability of the western region must be ensured…

Sarrazin: Many investors are going to Serbia, let’s change that

The German government’s special representative for the countries of the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, said that the German state believes…

Kosovo marks an increase in tourism in the first six months of 2024

Kosovo has recorded an increase in the number of tourism in the first six months of 2024. On World Tourism…

Kurti asks for the help of the international factor for Serbia to take responsibility for the attack in Banjska

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has said that Serbia is responsible for the act of aggression in Banjska…

The application period for the registration of voters outside Kosovo continues

The Central Election Commission has announced that the application period for the registration of voters outside Kosovo for voting in…

“Sports as value”, the next activity by the Kosovo Olympic Committee

The Kosovo Olympic Committee (KOC) has held the next sports activity within the ‘Erasmus-+’ projects. The next activity was ‘Sports…

The municipality of Deçan, Peja, and Junik will have three mountain rescue stations

The Embassy of Italy in Prishtina, within the framework of the NaturKosovo project, has donated mountain rescue equipment to the…