Bislimi: The content of Borrell’s report is positive; the lifting of measures will be recommended

Bislimi: The content of Borrell’s report is positive; the lifting of measures will be recommended

The report of the deputy prime minister, Besnik Bislimi, to the Committee for European Integration was with debates and clashes between the position and the opposition. He was criticized by MPs of opposition parties for not taking into account the demands of the European Union for the harmonization of laws, but also for the steps towards European integration. In front of the members of this commission, the first deputy prime minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi stated that the submission of the report of the high representative, Josep Borrell, has been postponed at the request of several member countries. He was optimistic that this report recommends lifting of the measures.

Bislimi was also asked about the projects that have been suspended due to punitive measures, for which he has denied such a thing.

This is how he expressed himself in the Committee for European Integration, where he was asked by the MPs about the projects that have been suspended as a result of the measures.

Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi said that the content of the report of the high representative, Josep Borrell, is positive, and the lifting of measures for Kosovo is recommended.

The chairperson of this committee, Rrezarta Krasniqi, said that there is information that the measures will continue for Kosovo.

The debate continued even further, when Bislimi criticized the opposition, saying that they declared that the government deserved the punitive measures from the European Union.

The MP of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Time Kadriaj stated that the government should harmonize the laws with the European Union, since there are anti-constitutional initiatives.

The Vetëvendosje MP, Fjolla Ujkani, has criticized the opposition MPs, saying that they are running away from the topic which has been the agenda for discussion. For this, the MP Rrezarta Krasniqi reacted, who read the invitation for reporting, but without listening to each other.

“This is an email that I sent to Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi and I am reading it now.

Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi’s reporting to this committee was discussed to be continued at the next meeting. /Sh. Pajaziti/

Lexo edhe

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