“Balkan summit on disinformation”, professional journalism and the fight against propaganda are required

“Balkan summit on disinformation”, professional journalism and the fight against propaganda are required

Russia uses imperialist agenda in wars and disinformation. This was said today within the Balkan Summit on disinformation, where the need to combat propaganda and professional journalism was emphasized. It was said there that journalism today works under political and economic pressure, therefore it can hardly be used as a verifiable source for what society reads.

The representative from the European External Action Service (EEAS), Jasna Jelisic, told about the strategy of the European Union in combating the manipulation of information.

She said that despite efforts to combat disinformation, professional journalism today is not the same as it used to be. She said that journalism works under political and economic pressure and therefore cannot be used as a verifiable source for what society reads.

Meanwhile, the researcher from Estonia, Vladimir Sazanov, said that Russia continues to have inherited propaganda.

He said that Russia uses the imperialist agenda in wars and disinformation.

On Russian influence in Slovakia, Jana Kazas said that a large part of the Russian population believes that Russia is responsible for the disinformation of the Slovak narrative.

The “Balkan summit on disinformation” is being held in Prishtina and is organized by “The Geopost”. Within the panels that are being held there, experts in this field are dealing with the impact of disinformation in the Balkans, disinformation in Europe, on social networks, etc.