22 years since Albania entered the World Trade Organization

22 years since Albania entered the World Trade Organization

On September 8, 2000, Albania officially joined the World Trade Organization.

Albania applies a liberal market regime, while Kosovo has not yet joined this organization.

Foreign trade has been liberalized since 1990 and follows the standards set by the European Union and the World Trade Organization.

It has been a member of the WTO for 22 years and applies the WTO regime on the import licensing procedure. As a result of market liberalization and the ongoing process of aligning the customs regulatory framework with the standards of the EU system, the import and export of goods, as a general rule, do not depend on any special authorization.

Bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Albania is a party may establish quotas or control requirements. Also, the need for licensed equipment exists in the case of some specific goods with limited circulation within the country such as military and strategic goods, radioactive materials and psychotropic substances, medicines, etc.

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